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Sunless Skies


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I Love the last album of Pathosray, ´cause of that when Phil (from Fairyland) talked me about the new project of the band I was happy and happier when Fabio invited me to do the cover of the new album, lol, I was in awe.

Saddly i fell on hospital a days latter. Fabio sent me the demo and the concept idea for Sunless skies, was great to work with him on it and the whole idea for the graphic part of the album (i collaborated too with the logo design, retouching it)... The demo was AWESOME!, but i was all wired in hospital XD. I think the tetrical medical atmosphere and that awesome tracks called Sons of the Sunless skies (my favorite!!) and Quantum Enigma, inspired me a lot to do this pic. So, I start and finish this pic on the hospital bed, fighting with the nurses who only wanted to take away my laptop because I use to work by night ("this guy have fever and he is singing metal" :p) and my doctor who didnt stop to ask me if i wanna to take an hour with the shrink, cause he saw the draw and thought i was depresed :p

so, pain+metal= yay! ;P

Check the myspace of the band and also the website!! there are samples of the music and the release dates!



PSCS/15 hours non consecutives/intuos 3/Music: Sons of the sunless skies - Pathosray

you can download for a bigger version :)
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960x960px 180.4 KB
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